Make Your Dog A Star

Instagram is fast becoming a go-to-source for adorable dogs.

You can find and follow all sorts of dogs but one of our favourites has to be @deanthebasset.

We also follow these rising stars: @krista_bo_sulley, @simba_nzinga, @woofboye,
@heidi_gsd, @east_coast_winnie, @molly_sausageroll and @prince_the_dingo_dog.

Follow these winning tips for showing off your star dog on Instagram.

1. Know the best angle – get down on the ground for the best shot. Super
closeups are most popular

2. Know what words get your pet’s attention and use them when you are ready to shoot: TREAT!

3. Have C9C treats ready to reward your top dog

4. Pay attention to the background – if it does not make the shot look better
move to a different spot

5. Make sure your pet is well-lite, in focus and the focal point of the shot

6. Hashtag their breed when you post so you can connect with their

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